
Hypnosis as a Pseudoscience

Pseudoscience by definition is “a claim, practice, or belief, that is presented as scientific but does not adhere to a valid scientific method and cannot be reliably tested.” Now hypnosis and hypnotherapy could be considered a pseudoscience. It is a state of consciousness where a person loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestions or directions. However this form of therapy results in a lot of inaccuracies and is prone to dismiss behaviors or down play any evidence that may contradict original belief. The main goal of a hypnotherapist is to achieve a result and not analyze how and why it occurred. When the claim that a hypnotherapist can help with treatments without an actual understanding on how it affects the issue or problem, results in it becoming a pseudoscience. It lacks sufficient evidence where data can be obtained and investigations can take place to be replicated to achieve similar results, as well as the outcome could have no
Do artists have a moral responsibility to act as a voice for individuals/communities to communicate with the wider world, or for groups/campaigns/ideologies to spread a message? Or, alternatively, do artists actually have a moral responsibility to be objective and stay out of politics, religion, and dogma in order that their art is accessible to everyone? To be able to answer such a question, the circumstance under which the situation occurs is to be examined. The artist’s background, intent, and message are all considered when it comes to creating a piece of art, whatever it may be. Artists don’t necessarily have a moral responsibility to act as a voice for individuals and communities to communicate with the world, rather they choose to do so to portray and convey the issue at a larger scale. This is when the artist has a close affiliation with the issue. Artist also use their platform as a way to speak out and address the issues and connect with the wider world. Once again, it i

The Gunshot Heard Around the World

Gunshot Heard Around the World
Senses: Sight: I saw the scenery on the way to Dubai as I was in the car for 2 hours and therefore spent most of my time looking outside of the window, as the scenery changed. Touch: Touching the puppies at my friends house. It was very relaxing and soothing. They were extremely soft. Hear: Listen to music on the way to Dubai and on the way back. Taste: Tasting the food that my friends mother made at her house. It was very tasty. Smell: At my friends house there were three different candles that were lit, one was vanilla, one was berries, and one was citrus. Knowledge Claim: I could smell each different candle as I approached the position of the candles. Knowledge Question: Did the scenery change as you drove by Abu Dhabi into Dubai.
Website: Salt Crystals and Selfies: Curiosity after the Seven Minutes of Terror This article talks about "rice shaped salt crystals" that suggest a past cycle of wet and dry conditions required for supporting microbial life. The rover, Curiosity, also takes a selfie. This event will still be viewed as important as research conducted towards Mars will continuously improve and more things will be discovered, therefore every step of the journey will be deemed important as it has affected findings relating to Mars in some way. It could potentially be viewed highly important by NASA scientists or individuals really interested in space and astronomy, however not as highly important by individuals who lack an interest in this field. Therefore they would be less emotionally inclined to react to this piece of information as well as have a lesser amount of faith in this operation and not be able to imagine life on Mars.
History by definition is "the study of past events, particularly in human affair." Nevertheless, is so much more. It is an insight to how life was when we as individuals weren't in existence and analyze life then and now. The ways of knowing for the theory of knowledge include, reason, sense perception, emotion, faith, intuition, imagination, memory, and language. When it comes to the branch of study of history, the significant ways of knowing associated with history are memory, language, sense perception, and emotion. There might be slight aspects of imagination incorporated through the study of history, however this field is more factual and conceptual based and therefore only consists of hard facts.

Albert Einstein Timeline
